Thursday, February 26, 2015

Apache Tomcat in AWS Ubuntu instance

I am trying to setup a new website for myself.

  1. Decided to use aws Free-tier. I still have not figured out the domain name and where to register it. I am thinking GoDaddy for this.
  2. Created a Ubuntu linux instance in free-tier. I created a new key pair and downloaded it while creating the Ubuntu EC2 instance.
  3. Configured Seucrity Groups in to allow SSH from computers that I usually use.
  4. Putty-ed into the instance and installed apache. sudo apt-get install apache2
  5. Changed Security Group to allow HTTP connection from "Anywhere". Anywhere was one of the options - other options was to restrict it to my IP, and use Subnet mask.
  6. Apache was running while the installation was complete. In case, I had to start it, I would have used sudo apache2 start.
  7. Gave the Public DNS of my instance in my browser, I got the apache's index.html. This index.html is located in this directory /var/www/html/. /var/www/html/ is the default Document Root. If you need to change the Document Root, use /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf file.